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To verify your new phone number, we’ll send you an SMS message. Please enter your new phone number below, then keep an eye out for a text message with a change number code to enter in the next step.

Enter the change number code you received from Marco Polo. When we update your account, this will be the phone number linked to your account.

Are you sure? Once you tap Change My Number, the account associated with your old phone number will move to the new phone number, and you will no longer have access to the account currently associated with your new number. Tread carefully: Associating your account with the new number can’t be undone.

The account that was associated with will be transferred to .

If there is an account currently associated with , you will no longer be able to access it.

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Your Marco Polo account has been changed to your new number. To access your account, please log in to Marco Polo using your new number.